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Opensource Professional Grade Tools

DiggnDeeper into voluntary solutions.

The Software Stack Pros Want

This is pretty much all the tools you could need for a small business, team, family or community.

This is what I use to run this DiggnDeeper Project, my farrier business, my media side hustle, my DIY hobby and my general technophile satisfaction.

This can easily accommodate 1-10 or so users with moderate hardware like a late model upper tier laptop or desktop. Perfect for a family or team or something.

I truly believe this to be the complete package with world class capabilities. This is very scalable, flexible, and robust. its not really very hard to use or understand either. Hopefully looking around here will show you how easy and powerful this stuff is.

  • Router – Network Interface
  • Linux – Freedom To Create
  • Nextcloud – Self hosted productivity and collaboration
  • WordPress – Publish Anything
  • Blender
  • Hive
  • Monero
  • LBRY
  • Office

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